Story: When his new family is threatened by a group of criminals, a CIA agent is pulled back into the cat-and-mouse chase. we are exploring My Spy The Eternal City movie here.
Review: The sequel to the 2020 thriller ‘My Spy’ turns out to be a pretty good one. In this one, formidable CIA agent JJ (Dave Bautista) has become Sophie’s (Chloe Coleman) trainer and guardian; she was the kid he had been ordered to take care of sometimes. An insufferable teenager named Sophie, who constantly disrespects her dad, JJ – the man that loves her as if she were his own daughter and cares about her happiness more than anybody else in this world. However, all hell breaks loose when they go for an Italian school choir trip which goes awry in every predictable way possible. His boss’s son and Sophie’s best friend, Collin (Taeho K), falls victim to kidnappers. This causes Collin’s father and current CIA director David Kim (Ken Jeong) and his idiotic tech sidekick Bobbi (Kristen Schaal) to come flying down to Italy but things only worsen from there.
Director Peter Segal treats it as a globe-trotting spy flick with some hijinks for kids thrown in. From CIA headquarters at Langley through picturesque Austria and Italy, the script moves swiftly but not always with the viewer following along. The plot could be called mediocre at best; it is standard fare compared to countless thrillers before it, many done better than this one. Segal and co-writers Erich Hoeber & Jon Hoeber fall back on some of the most clichéd action-adventure tropes ever committed as well as oodles of filler dialogue just so nothing happens too fast or too hard-hittingly throughout their feature film-length work. Maybe they did that on purpose because they wanted to make it accessible for children but unfortunately, it strips the movie of any kind of realism. Not once are we ever afraid for these people, even when they’re in life-threatening situations.
Ken Jeong’s comedy, among others, provides a nice break. Kristen Schaal is great as always. Dave Bautista, formerly a wrestler and presently an actor, doesn’t deserve to be reprimanded for his stiffness—he tries his best. However, he could have been utilized much better, especially in the action sequences. Chloe Coleman has become a pretty good actress now though. Still her grumpy American teenage portrayal with daddy issues is just too familiar and stereotypical. Anna Faris’ character reminds us so much of Britney Spears that it’s always fun to watch her scenes. There was so much more room for this morally ambiguous character to grow in that direction but instead nothing happens with it at all. They are thrilling and intense while they last but do not leave any lasting impression.
In conclusion: maybe this sequel was unnecessary? A stronger script with more memorable punches—both humorous and physical—would have made this espionage flick as uproarious as its creators intended it to be.
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