Lee Harker (Maika Monroe), an FBI agent, is forced to introspect and reflect on her traumatic past in order to uncover a series of enigmatic deaths caused by ‘Longlegs’ the serial killer (Nicolas Cage).
Right from its onset Longlegs proves itself as an indie horror film that tones down the bloodshed and unwraps like a police procedural with lots of style and atmosphere. It’s disappointing if you think this movie will have an intensity and momentum of a true-crime thriller.
Directed by Oz Perkins, son of actor Anthony Perkins who played Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, this horror outing is disturbing. You are equally confined and tortured by her recurrent hallucinations, nightmares as well as intuition while Lee Harker, whose life does not fit into society norms goes deep into dark corners of her mind. Her search becomes personal until one feels suffocated by her solitary life where trauma has been sustained. The tension keeps you throughout with anticipation for fear and discovery.
Andres Arochi’s cinematography, sound design & performances contribute heavily to make it emotionally unsettling. There aren’t any usual jumpscares or cheap gimmicks that are scary only for 15 minutes afterwards. They fear goes further than the conventional fear of dying making it more effective.
Irrespective of its twisted psychological plot line, LongLegs never quite attains the greatness achieved by Ari Aster’s indie break outs such as Hereditary (2018) or Midsommar (2019). Some parts lose their impact because of slow pacing. However, through merging investigation with horror, it brings you to an uncomfortable suffocating place filled with despair & loneliness. Maika Monroe was great in this part because it was so emotionally exhausting and demanding. These scenes get particularly discomforting when she tries to regulate that heavy breathing thing she’s doing for most part. Nicolas Cage does creepy very well and this is probably his weirdest role so far. Longlegs is highly atmospheric and disturbing. It’s not a mainstream film. But, if you are into slow burn arty horror, check it out.
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